Extensio animi ad magna - Stretching the souls to great things

Monday, 23 January 2017

Enjoying Life - YOLO

There is a common misconception that Christians don't know how to have fun. Society's view of us is that we are constantly secluded away from the world, stuck in our own small groups, trying to avoid contact with anything material. While that may be the extreme view, in a way it is true. Many see Christians as those who don't know what the meaning of the word fun is! All we do practically is study, pray, and help the needy.

There is so much more to life than that though. I know the above statements are completely false because almost every Christian I have met enjoys life way more than most secular people. And we know how to properly enjoy life!

First, enjoying life should not be wasting the moments that you are given. When I talk about properly enjoying life, I mean fully appreciating what situations you are in, the creation that you are surrounded with, savouring every moment of every day. When opportunities arise, seize them. One thing that God has really been trying to drive into me over the past few years is that by stepping beyond fears or doubts and taking the chance, not only do you enjoy yourself 9 times out of 10, but you also are prepared for the next situation, and develop your own personal character every time.

Not only should you enjoy the moments that are thrown at you, but you should also go out seeking the different exciting aspects of life. Enjoy all of God's creation, enjoy different cultures, enjoy different people's stories! Remember, when God first created the world, He filled it to the brim with good things. He wants us to enjoy those good things!

"There is nothing better for a person that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God." Ecclesiastes 2:24 ESV

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