Extensio animi ad magna - Stretching the souls to great things

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Posting on Social Media

I want to implore everyone on social media, before your next post, read what you're about to share. Seriously, take a look at what you're about to spread all over the web. Only post something if you understand what you are saying, if you actually believe what you are saying, if you are ready to stand by what you are saying. That means there has to be facts behind your opinions. You can't just state whatever pops into your head, just because it sounds good, or it's going to get you the most views.

Our society is all about popularity. Social media only drives that urge forward. Today, it's all about sharing that picture that will get the most likes, or the quippy tweet that will get the most favourites, or the opinion that will get the most shares. It's gotten to the point where really all common sense has flown out the window. Instead of actually caring about what is going out to the whole world, people are just posting whatever they can to drive their popularity forward.

This can be really damaging. One of the biggest problems in society today is information. If you don't pay attention, or put forth an effort, you are only fed certain perspectives of information. A lot of times, these perspectives are geared toward getting a certain response. For some reason, it really seems to be working. People are just buying in to what this "information" says and wholeheartedly believing everything that is put out there. I love debates, but you can't have a good debate when you don't know what you are saying, or know every side of the argument. When you do just buy in to this one side of information, most times because it's the popular view, and you start spreading your uneducated opinions on the world wide web, you're only adding to the problem.

This includes politics, religion, personal information, pretty much everything! Spend some time researching your own opinions, your own beliefs. Putting in the work beforehand will make such a difference. Actually care about what you believe, and why you believe it. It will truly change your life.

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