Extensio animi ad magna - Stretching the souls to great things

Monday, 29 December 2014

Year Review/Preview

This was my first year as a blogger, and the start of this Christian themed blog, For Whosoever. While partnering my efforts with my musical blog Delayed Distortion, I saw For Whosoever reap the most results. Over the course of the year, the page view count has almost reached 1000, with multiple posts achieving close to 40 views. My most popular post was titled Homosexuality, which reached around 120 views alone.

I'm not only rating the success of this blog on numbers though. I found other areas to produce benefits as well. My opportunities for discussion of theological topics have greatly expanded to Christians and non-Christians alike. I've been able to broach religious topics with non-Christians more then ever before.

Personally, this blog has also helped me develop. I've found that just writing down my thoughts helps me organize what I believe, and what I need to research to find stronger answers. Throughout the year, I have solidified many areas of my religion so that I can give a clear answer as to what I believe regarding certain topics, and I've also identified weak spots that I myself need to work on, and the rest of Christians also need to work on. I've also strengthened my skills discussing religious topics with non-Christians, in order to effectively talk about subjects that are important, and sometimes controversial. At the start of the year, my methods were extremely weak, but at the end of the year, I feel more confident in being able to talk about subjects such as homosexuality in a way that doesn't ruin what Christians stand for, but also doesn't compromise what we believe. This year, this blog has also expanded my experiences, and given me valuable situations that I have muddled my way through, only to be able to more strongly get through in the future. Ultimately, this blog has been an extreme blessing to me, and for me.

For this upcoming year, I plan to stick to my original goal for the blog, but also try expanding a little. Currently, I have multiple series that I am working on. My ethical series, which includes my posts about homosexuality, will grow, with plans for posts on topics such as divorce, abortion, and war already in the workings. However, I am gearing towards making this series less confusing. Originally, many took offence at my first few ethical posts. The confusion arose from the purpose of my posts, which I tend to make much clearer in the next few posts. I am aiming to discuss the issues from a Christian worldview perspective, and while it is important to debate the results with non-Christians, my goal is to stick with simply summarizing what Christians do and should believe about the specific topics.

I am also working on my apologetic series, which began with the case for a God. This will be my main focus in the blog catering to non-Christians. I will be spending a lot of time with this series, finding facts and hard evidence to support the Christian case.

My recent synopsis or thoughts about each book of the Bible will continue, as I make my way through a YouVersion Bible Plan. After I finish each book, I post my thoughts on a couple of main themes that stuck out to me as I was reading. You can join me on the reading plan by searching JPRam1 on Bible.com.

Finally, I will continue to post about the various odds and ends of the Christian faith. This includes things we are currently succeeding at as the church, and also things that we need to work on.

Ultimately, all this falls under my new motto for the blog; Extensio animi ad mangna, which means Stretching the souls to great things. To follow along with this, I plan to add a few more dimensions to my posts.

I plan on posting more reviews of famous books, Christian movies, and sermons. I would also like to begin posting my own sermons, through video or audio format on the blog, as well as starting my own YouTube or SoundCloud site for that specific purpose. Finally, I also plan on expanding For Whosoever to include news postings about situations that influence or include the Christian audience.

2014 was an excellent start, and I can only pray that 2015 brings even greater results. Again, I plan on utilizing this blog to inform, inspire, and motivate others to achieve great things in God's name.

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