Extensio animi ad magna - Stretching the souls to great things

Sunday 20 December 2015

Happy Holidays

I might ruffle a few feathers here, especially amongst my Christian friends, but I've never understood the huge issue with saying Happy Holidays. Or even vice versa, saying Merry Christmas. Whenever the holiday season rolls around, it seems to be a huge debate over what holiday greetings to use. Non-Christians like to say Happy Holidays, as they might offend people who don't believe in Christ, or the real reason behind Christmas (Jesus' birth). Christians like to say Merry Christmas, and they feel by not saying that greeting, they aren't standing up for their faith.

I get both points. But, seriously, aren't we putting too much weight into titles here? It's a simple greeting, either way. Especially for us Christians, I think we should focus our attentions on changing other things then the way we greet others during the holiday season. Like for example, how we celebrate this season. Instead of focusing on the actual names, we should be focused on removing the materialism and greed that is rampant during this season.

I think causing fights, unnecessary ones or at least ones that can be avoided, is stupid, especially in this time of age. Should we really be fighting over holiday greetings, or fighting against far greater threats?

I understand many will say that succumbing to using a different holiday greeting is part of the bigger battle, over losing the identity of Christianity, but again, I argue that identity should be created and seen in what we do, rather then what we say. We need to build that perspective ourselves (of course with the help of God).

With that being said, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!

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