Rating: 6.9/10
Another Christian production, another step in the right direction, but yet another movie that misses the mark. God's Not Dead is an excellent idea, with the potential to develop into a great plot. With this being another movie from Christian producers, the progression for this growing industry is clearly evident. However, God's Not Dead still has not hit the mark in the Christian venture into movie making.
The idea behind this movie is extremely solid, a needed discussion on an issue that is extremely prevalent today. The movie focuses on a college student who takes a stand against a professor who swears that God is dead. They embark on a series of debates with this student trying to prove that God is indeed still alive.
Multiple side stories are also going on throughout the movie, making it semi confusing at times, until everything ties in at the end. First, the student who takes the stand for God also falls into trouble outside of school as well. His girlfriend breaks up with him because he won't drop the whole issue of fighting the professor. Meanwhile, the professor is also dealing with issues at home, as his girlfriend begins to believe in God, and he can't deal with that. There is also a story about a pastor and his friend trying to get to a certain destination because his friend is a missionary and this will be their only chance to go. They too run into issues, and have to rely upon God to help them.
Ultimately, the argument presented in favour of God is really strong. However, my issue with the movie is that it is very one sided. In fact, I find this issue encompasses many Christian companies, magazines, e.t.c. They all tend to say that you have to be stupid not to believe in God. I don't think that's true. I don't think we can say in every argument, that all the facts point to God. If that was the case, then everyone would be Christians. See, I don't think we can say that all the facts point to God for a few reasons. First, we don't have all the facts yet. We keep discovering new evidence every day regarding different theories. Second, faith plays a big role in our relationship. We can't have all the answers, and that's why we need to rely upon faith. I do strongly believe that when all is said and done, God will reveal that all the facts do indeed point to Him, but at times, with our worldly perspective, we just need to leave that up to Him. I also believe that there will never be any evidence disproving God's existence. It may be spun in that light, and we may not be able to directly refute the evidence, but eventually, as time plays on, God will reveal that evidence in its true light, revealing His glory.
There are some really smart people out there who do argue against God. Sure, they may be questioning it themselves, or just purely being stubborn, but at that point, they're not stupid. They have a side of the argument as well, and their case isn't as weak as this movie portrays it to be. If you are going to make a movie about this debate, great, but make sure that both sides are portrayed as accurately as possible.