Extensio animi ad magna - Stretching the souls to great things

Monday 5 October 2015

Reading Amos

Amos is a very interesting character, a unique prophet. He continually claims that he was never trained as a prophet, and relies upon his meager backstory as a sheep herder and sycamore fig farmer to back his title as a true prophet. Interestingly, almost all of the prophets who have a book in the Old Testament were untrained in the school of prophecy. They all rely upon their interesting starts to back their claims as God's true prophets. It goes to show that God can call anyone to do anything.

Amos really focuses on the main topic of rituals. At the heart of his prophecy is the issue of the condition of the people's hearts. His argument was two faceted, but ultimately they spearhead his mission to get people to start working on their hearts, and to start purifying their souls.

The first part of Amos' prophecy focuses on forgiveness, or how to react from bad deeds or actions. The people of this time were just relying upon quick rituals, or meaningless prayers as their follow up to a sinful action. Ultimately, they weren't repenting, and would just continue in this cycle of sinning, and quickly praying for forgiveness with no meaning. This showed the horrible nature of the hearts of the people at this time.

Secondly, Amos points out that following rituals means nothing compared to living righteously. Again, it speaks to this first issue. God would rather we attempt to live righteously, mess up once in a while, and actually strive for forgiveness. Repentance is three fold. It's realizing you made a mistake, asking for forgiveness, and then striving to make a change in your life. Rituals don't matter if they are continual. If they are occasional, filled with meaning, and truly dedicated to God, then they fulfill the original intention that they were created for.

Again, it comes down to our hearts. If our hearts are set on the world, then we won't strive to live righteously, even if we claim to be Christians. But if our hearts are set on God, then it will show in our lives, as we strive to be more Christ-like.

Bible Encyclopedia

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