Extensio animi ad magna - Stretching the souls to great things

Saturday 11 July 2015

Wanting to Do Something Great

I've always had high aspirations, high goals for myself, sometimes ones that are nearly impossible, or highly unattainable. Everything I do, I strive to be the best at. Now this can be a good thing, but it can also be a bad thing.

Obviously, being the best at everything you do can be a great thing! Especially as Christians, one of the ways we can be great witnesses is through serving by example. The way that we live our lives should have people questioning what makes us so different. Whether it's being the best employee an employer could ask for, the best employer an employee could ask for, the best friend anyone could ask for, the best teammate, the most determined, the most humble, e.t.c., when we utilize our gifts to their maximum potential, people begin to take notice. When they take notice of the success of Christians (and not necessarily success in worldly terms, but that does definitely take a part of the equation), they begin to question what they don't have. That opens up the perfect door of opportunity to evangelize.

However, we can get caught up in being the best too much. I think there are two ways this can happen. First, in striving to be the best, or the most successful, we could begin to judge ourselves on worldly terms, such as what accomplishments we have, what trophies, medals, awards we have accumulated. That is not successful in God's eyes. Secondly, we can get sidetracked by our mission to become the best. In fact, when we are so occupied at being the best, it can almost become a religion. It occupies our every thought, it's the reason we are living, it becomes our everything.

One of my favourite autobiographies is Me, Myself and Bob, the story of Phil Vischer's life (creator of VeggieTales). Not only is this an amazing story of perseverance, dedication, and extreme vision, but also of extreme devotion to God. Perhaps one of the most insightful statements that Phil Vischer makes is "I am growing increasingly convinced that if every one of these kids burning with passion to write that hit Christian song or make that hit Christian movie or start that hit Christian ministry to change the world would instead focus their passion on walking with God on a daily basis, then the world would change. What is 'walking with God?' Simple. Doing what He asks you to do each and every day. Living in active relationship with Him. Filling your mind with His word, and letting that word penetrate every waking moment. Because the world learns about God not by watching Christian movies, but by watching Christians." 

I'm not sure what I can add to that; it sums up everything perfectly. Are we focused on our own dreams, or on God's dream? Sure, God's dream might be that one day we do happen to have a hit something, or win a gold medal, or achieve our wildest ambitions, but first and foremost His dream is that we are working on our relationship with Him. His biggest desire is that we are walking with Him. Everything else doesn't matter.

As a sidenote, Me, Myself and Bob is an incredible book. I strongly encourage everyone to read it. Phil Vischer is blessed with vision, and a piercing clarity. His knack for putting that down into clear, concise words is also perfect. His amazing testimony has been a true blessing to my life.

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